
When arriving on this page for the first time you will be presented with a single option to create a site. Click the 'Create' button to begin entering site information.

Returning to this page after having created a site will present you with a summary of the site in the table. Click on the site in the table to select it. It can then be loaded for viewing and editing by pressing the 'Load' button. Or it can be deleted by pressing the 'Delete' button.

The maximum number of stored sites is 5. A stored can be deleted and replaced by a new one using the previously described methods.

1. Define site conditions

Site info

There are two data entry options. The first option, which is enabled by default, is the 'Data Files' option. This option enables you to upload flow and head data files. Uploading data files allows you have a more accurate model of the potential system operation at your site. The file format is the same for both flow and head data files. The required file type is '.csv'. It can be either comma or tab separated. There should be no text in the file only numbers. The flow/head data should be in column 'A' and the probability exceedance(if available) in column 'B'.

'Load flow[Q] data' field allows you to upload the flow data file from your computer. The 'Average flow (Qmean)' will be calculated from the uploaded data. Hydromatch will then place the 'Qmean' as the turbine design flow in the flow 'Flow [Q]' section.

'Load head [H] data' field allows you to upload the head data file from your computer. The 'Head at Qmean' is derived from the 'Qmean' and your head duration data. Hydromatch then recommends the 'Head at Qmean' value as the 'Gross Head' value in section 'Head [H]'.

The second option is 'Single Values'. This allows you to enter just the 'Turbine Design Flow' and 'Gross Head' values to model the site. This gives a less accurate picture of the system operation at your site.

Flow [Q]

The 'Turbine Design Flow' field is the flow rate at which the turbine system will be designed around. This field is required.

The 'Hands Off Flow' field is the flow rate that will be left in the river. When the 'Single Values' option is selected you cannot enter a value here.

The 'Turbine Flow Split' is the percentage of the remaining flow that can be utilized by the system. When the 'Single Values' option is selected you cannot enter a value here.

Head [H]

'Gross Head' is the head which will be available to the turbine before considering head losses when the system is operating.

'Head Loss' value is a percentage that represents the losses in the system due to turbulence and friction.

'Net Head' value is the head available to the turbine when operating.

The 'Site Name' is and 'Country' fields are also required before proceeding. Click the orange 'Next' button to proceed and model your site.

2. Model scheme operation

Turbine Matches

If there are suitable turbines matching the site conditions. Then Hydromatch will rank the turbines and model the top turbine automatically. The turbines are displayed in the 'Turbine Matches' box. Select a different turbine to model it.

Model Summary

This section displays the main results of the model along with a summary of the design flow and net head values. The 'Power' value is the maximum system output for the site conditions. The 'Energy Capture' value is the calculated system output of the 1 year model period. The 'CO2 Saving' shows how much CO2 is saved by generating the energy compared with fossil fuel power plants.

Operation Tab

The operating tab shows a summary of the operation over the 1 year modelling period. On the left is a table that displays a breakdown of the turbine operation. 'Design' is the time when the turbine is operating at design output. 'Variable' is when the turbine is operating at less than design output. 'Shutdown' is the period when the turbine is shut down, this does not take into account maintenance.

On the right is a graph that displays the mechanical and electrical power generation against the flow data over the one year modelling period.

Resource Tab

The resource tab shows a summary of the resource data entered in both a table and graph form.

Reports Tab

On the reports tab you can create and purchase a detailed PDF report of the chosen model. To view an example report click the 'View REPORT EXAMPLE here' link to download the example PDF file. To create a report click the 'Create A New Report' button. A report will be created and you will be shown the key values for that report. You can then purchase the report via the 'Buy Now' button. You can change the site values or model a different turbine and click 'Create A New Report' button again to change the values before purchase. After purchase it is not possible to change the report. Once purchased the report will appear in the table on the left available for downloading.

Clicking the 'Next' button or creating a report will save your site data. Click the 'Next' button to proceed to the system matches.

3. View system matches

System Matches

The systems displayed in the 'System Matches' box are systems put together by manufacturers that are applicable for your site. The system you modelled in on the previous page is also shown so you can view the system details. The systems shown are of the same technology type as the one modelled. To view suitable systems of other types, check the 'All Types' check box.

Turbine Tab

The turbine tab displays the information about the turbine in the system.

Drive Tab

The drive tab displays the information about the drive in the system.

Generator Tab

The generator tab displays the information about the generator in the system.

Controller Tab

The controller tab displays the information about the controller in the system.

Intake Tab

The intake tab displays the information about the intake in the system.

To request further information from a supplier. Select the system and click either the 'Next' button or the 'Email System Enquiry' link. You can also return to the 'Schemes' page by click the 'Schemes' button.

4. Request supplier price information

This page is a form that allows you to send the modelled system information and a purchased report to the supplier requesting more information. Fill out the form to send the request. You will receive a copy of the request to the email address entered.